The story follows a team of pirates/mercenaries known as Lagoon Company, that smuggles goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia in the early to mid 1990s. Their base of operations is located in the fictional harbor city of Roanapur in southeast Thailand (somewhere in the Amphoe Mueang Trat district, likely on the mainland north/northeast of the Ko Chang island or on the island itself). They transport goods in the 80-foot (24 m) Elco-type PT boat Black Lagoon. Lagoon Company does business with various clients, but has a particularly friendly relationship with the Russian crime syndicate Hotel Moscow. The team takes on a variety of missions—which may involve violent firefights, hand-to-hand combat, and nautical battles—in various Southeast Asian locations, even going as far as Phu Quoc island of Vietnam and when not doing much, the members of the Lagoon Company spend much of their down time at The Yellow Flag, a bar in Roanapur which is often destroyed in firefights.
Rock (Rokuro "Rock" Okajima) is the main protagonist of the series, voiced by Daisuke Namikawa. He is a Japanese salaryman who joins the crew of the Black Lagoon after they kidnap him. Rock does not fight but is an excellent negotiator and translator, and apparently does the accounting for the Black Lagoon Company. He is often scared by the methods Revy sometimes uses to achieve her goals. He appears to be quite intelligent and can talk himself out of trouble as seen when he manages to talk a very angry Balalaika out of shooting him for arguing with her. Dutch states that he sees a darkness in Rock as well as in Benny. As the show progresses Rock's personality seems to change as he does not like to take violent measures or harm others but starts to care less when others suffer starting with Gretels death at the hands of Balalaika.
Dutch is the leader of the Lagoon "trading company," voiced by Tsutomu Isobe. An African-American, he captains the PT boat Black Lagoon, and coordinates his crew. Although he seldom participates in battle, he is still a deadly adversary, stemming from his time as a Marine in the Vietnam War. He is much smarter than he appears and can easily read people intentions and feelings. He seems to have some past relation with Balalaika where either one or both of them owe the other some form of debt. He is always calm and level headed and keeps Rock and Revy's emotions in check and keeps them thinking clearly.
Revy is the female protagonist of the series, voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi. She provides the muscle for the Lagoon Company. She is of Chinese descent and grew up in New York City. Revy is exceptionally skilled with using firearms in battle, but is not much of a people person. She enjoys killing her enemies and seldom stops to negotiate. Despite her usual indifferent demeanor, her tendency to enjoy taking the lives of others is a result of her internal emotional instability, as evidenced by her more conflicting interactions with Rock. While her personality constantly clashes with Rock's, she seems to spend quite a bit of time with him and admits that she does consider him her friend. It is possible she has romantic feelings for him since she can never seem to give Eda a straight answer when she asks about her and Rocks sexual relations. Her signature weapon is a brace of custom-made stainless steel 9 mm Beretta 92 "Sword Cutlass Special" pistols. Her nickname "Two Hand" reflects her ability to use both pistols simultaneously. Because Japanese-to-Western transliteration conflates R with L, and B with V, her name is sometimes rendered as Levy, and sometimes attributed as a nickname for Rebecca (which she has identified herself with in the English dub).
Benny is a former post-graduate student at the University of Central Florida, voiced by Hiroaki Hirata. He is of Jewish descent and serves as the Lagoon's technical expert. He joined the crew when he "managed to piss off the FBI and the mafia at the same time" prompting Revy to step in and save him, offering him a job with Lagoon. Like Rock, he is not a gunfighter and does not have the capacity to kill in cold blood. However, he is hardened to the job and willing to overlook almost anything to get the job done.
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